Probate & Insurance Valuations
Our professional services include Insurance, Probate and Willing Buyer/Willing Seller
Inheritance Tax (Probate) Valuations
Bellmans is a trusted and experienced provider of Inheritance Tax valuations for our clients, their advisors and solicitors. On average we carry out five or more such valuations every week for families, executors and fiduciaries. Probate valuations are provided at an ‘open market’ basis in accordance with Section 160 of the Inheritance Tax Act of 1984, with items over the £1500 threshold listed individually and the remainder placed into more general ‘global’ listings. Where required, we are happy to assist with the identification of specific bequests.
Following your initial enquiry, details about the appointment will be taken and a valuer will call you back to discuss your requirements, our fees and to arrange a mutually convenient time and date to meet at the property.
A fully researched typed and illustrated valuation will be produced and sent to you or your solicitor within three weeks of the date of the appointment. Extra copies for co-executors can be provided at no extra cost- either as typed copies or as a PDF via email.
We can also assist with the sale of specific items, the immediate storage of vulnerable valuable pieces and organising the clearance of residual items from the property through third-parties.
Insurance Valuations
Bellmans offers a range of services to help you value your assets so they can be insured accurately and at the correct price level ensuring peace of mind in the event of a claim.
Your insurance company or broker may recommend that you have a professional valuation, or you may like a list of the items in your home to guide you when renewing an insurance policy.
Bellmans Selected Insurance Valuation: the provision of a tailored catalogues list and values of items whose replacement costs are over a certain amount, for example £2,000. Normally this is antique furniture, silver, jewellery, clocks, watches, paintings, works of art, ceramics and glass, etc.
Typically items are appraised at one of two levels- either High Auction replacement or Retail Replacement. This will need to be discussed with both your insurance provider and the valuer prior to the valuation taking place.
Copies of the bound documents (with illustrations if requested) will be sent to you by recorded delivery within three weeks of the date of the appointment.
Family Division and Willing Buyer/Willing Seller
Valuations for more specific purposes can be tailored to fit your requirements; assistance with estate tax planning and division of an estate between beneficiaries.
For further information please contact:
Philip Belcher
01403 700858
[email protected]